Did You Get The Mail?

Sometimes, I think we can be a little obsessive about the arrival of the mail. Did you get the mail?  Is the mail here yet? These questions are often heard, Monday through Saturday, at chez nous (our place). We can tell if Kenny, our regular postal carrier, has a day off. The mail always arrives by 10AM when Kenny is on duty; if it's not there by 10AM, Kenny's not delivering. Why the focus on the arrival of the mail? It is not overflowing with letters from friends; that arrives by email these days. There is an occasional check; although, the large ones are direct deposited. The actual delivery is rife with advertisements, requests for donations, and unbelievably great deals on insurance. So, why the fixation with the arrival of the mail? Maybe, it is a Pavlovian thing; a carry over from pre-internet days when we looked forward to messages from friends and birthday cards, too. Anyway, I've got to end this rant and go check to see if Kenny is working today.


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