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City Walls
Walled cities were common in medieval times; this era is often refered to as the Dark Ages. The walls were created as a protection from one's enemies; a protection from an outside influence that was considered to be harmful. The walls restricted the view into and out of the city. Perhaps, a clear view of what lay on the otherside of the wall was seen by only a few. If you cannot see for yourself, you are subject to another person's interpretation of the view. In today's cities, the rows of buildings actually form walls that we cannot see beyond without gaining a higher vantage point. In some earlier posts, I included images that were taken from a vantage point that allowed the viewer to look over the walls that are the cities buildings. Here is another view from a higher vantage point. It allows one to look over the walls for a much different view. In my life, it has become increasingly clear that changing my vantage point might improve my view. In the main, it is a wider and more understanding view.
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