I was sad to hear of George Jardine leaving Adobe. He has been a great photographers' evangelist. I've really enjoyed his interviews covering the concept and execution of Photoshop Lightroom. His interviews gave me a more thorough understanding of the how's and why's of the product that was developed. Some of these insight helped me through the Lightroon ACE test. His podcasts covering the Lightroom Iceland Adventure planted the seed to go to Iceland. I'm departing for my first trip to Iceland later this month. I will miss his podcasts and insights. Good luck, George, in all of your future endeavors. The early podcasts gave an inside-out look at Lightroom; this image is an inside-out look at the Louvre (of course, you know I talking about Paris, France).
Fuji FinePix S2 Pro, Tamron 17-35mm lens set to 17mm, ISO 200, f11 at 1/125 second.
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