Lost without a conection

We are in Norway at this time. I'm having problems with the connection. I'm sending this via a coin operated computer and am running out of coins. It seems whenever I leave a country I have too many coins that I cannot exchange. I'll be back as soon as I find a connection at a hostel, hotel, or who knows where. I may be off line for a few days. Don't dispair, I shall return.


  1. How can we vacation vicariously without photos. Don't they have sauna power laptops in Finland.

  2. As per usual your humor shines through. Althuogh I am someaht surprised that we have no tales of whale blubber steaks or some such. I recognise the swimsuit!!
    lokks beautiful and remote
    Ian Scott

  3. Hi Ian, if you bide your time, you may see something about a whale.


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