Day #47 More Ghan

A 6:30 knock on our compartment door signaled our first off train experience, sunrise in the Outback. At 6:45, we departed the train to a bonfire, hot coffee, tea, juice, bacon and egg buns, and sausage rolls. The sunrise came and we reboarded the train took a nap and arose for a late morning brunch. 

sunrise bonfire

waiting for the sunrise

sunrise in the Outback

sunrise in the Outback


We pulled into Alice Springs and got ready for our second off train experience. We were signed up for a 4k walk to Simpson’s Gap. The weather changed our activity. The temp was 39 degrees Celsius, and the walk was in full sun. For safety concerns (most of us on the train are in the advanced age category), we saw some lesser attractions around town (2 water holes, John Flynn’s grave, and the war memorial). The driver of our tour bus driver did talk about the cyclone (hurricane in our hemisphere) that was headed toward Darwin, our destination the following day. Train staff on the bus quickly quieted him. Our second off train experience fell short of expectations, but we had a cyclone to think about. 

Alice Springs

Alice Springs station

water hole

Aboriginal stone art

water hole

standing in the water

John Flynn's grave

200 year old eucalyptus or gum tree

there is a water hole in the gap

water hole

water hole reflection

rock outcropping near Alice Springs

grove of gum trees

war memorial

back at the Alice Springs station

We returned to the train, showered, and headed for the lounge car to drown our sorrows. Dinner with Sandy and Martin from Bournemouth, England. When we returned to our compartment, we found a letter on the bed indicating that the train management was monitoring the weather along our route including Darwin. 

Tomorrow, more Ghan. 



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